API Reference#


class ProfilePage[source]#
BEATMAPS: str = "beatmaps"#
HISTORICAL: str = "historical"#
KUDOSU: str = "kudosu"#
ME: str = "me"#
MEDALS: str = "medals"#
RECENT_ACTIVITY: str = "recent_activity"#
TOP_RANKS: str = "top_ranks"#
class GameMode[source]#
CATCH: str = "fruits"#
MANIA: str = "mania"#
OSU: str = "osu"#
TAIKO: str = "taiko"#
class PlayStyles[source]#
KEYBOARD: int = 2#
MOUSE: int = 1#
TABLET: int = 4#
TOUCH: int = 8#
class RankStatus[source]#
APPROVED: int = 2#
GRAVEYARD: int = -2#
LOVED: int = 4#
PENDING: int = 0#
QUALIFIED: int = 3#
RANKED: int = 1#
WIP: int = -1#
class UserAccountHistoryType[source]#
NOTE: str = "note"#
RESTRICTION: str = "restriction"#
SILENCE: str = "silence"#
TOURNAMENT_BAN: str = "tournament_ban"#
class MessageType[source]#
HYPE: str = "hype"#
MAPPER_NOTE: str = "mapper_note"#
PRAISE: str = "praise"#
PROBLEM: str = "problem"#
REVIEW: str = "review"#
SUGGESTION: str = "suggestion"#
class BeatmapsetEventType[source]#
APPROVE: str = "approve"#
BEATMAP_OWNER_CHANGE: str = "beatmap_owner_change"#
DISCUSSION_DELETE: str = "discussion_delete"#
DISCUSSION_LOCK: str = "discussion_lock"#
DISCUSSION_POST_DELETE: str = "discussion_post_delete"#
DISCUSSION_POST_RESTORE: str = "discussion_post_restore"#
DISCUSSION_RESTORE: str = "discussion_restore"#
DISCUSSION_UNLOCK: str = "discussion_unlock"#
DISQUALIFY: str = "disqualify"#
DISQUALIFY_LEGACY: str = "disqualify_legacy"#
GENRE_EDIT: str = "genre_edit"#
ISSUE_REOPEN: str = "issue_reopen"#
ISSUE_RESOLVE: str = "issue_resolve"#
KUDOSU_ALLOW: str = "kudosu_allow"#
KUDOSU_DENY: str = "kudosu_deny"#
KUDOSU_GAIN: str = "kudosu_gain"#
KUDOSU_LOST: str = "kudosu_lost"#
KUDOSU_RECALCULATE: str = "kudosu_recalculate"#
LANGUAGE_EDIT: str = "language_edit"#
LOVE: str = "love"#
NOMINATE: str = "nominate"#
NOMINATE_MODES: str = "nominate_modes"#
NOMINATION_RESET: str = "nomination_reset"#
NOMINATION_RESET_RECEIVED: str = "nomination_reset_received"#
NSFW_TOGGLE: str = "nsfw_toggle"#
QUALIFY: str = "qualify"#
RANK: str = "rank"#
REMOVE_FROM_LOVED: str = "remove_from_loved"#
class BeatmapsetDownload[source]#
ALL: str = "all"#
DIRECT: str = "direct"#
NO_VIDEO: str = "no_video"#
class UserListFilters[source]#
ALL: str = "all"#
OFFLINE: str = "offline"#
ONLINE: str = "online"#
class UserListSorts[source]#
LAST_VISIT: str = "last_visit"#
RANK: str = "rank"#
USERNAME: str = "username"#
class UserListViews[source]#
BRICK: str = "brick"#
CARD: str = "card"#
LIST: str = "list"#
class KudosuAction[source]#
GIVE: str = "vote.give"#
RESET: str = "vote.reset"#
REVOKE: str = "vote.revoke"#
class EventType[source]#
ACHIEVEMENT: str = "achievement"#
BEATMAPSET_APPROVE: str = "beatmapsetApprove"#
BEATMAPSET_DELETE: str = "beatmapsetDelete"#
BEATMAPSET_REVIVE: str = "beatmapsetRevive"#
BEATMAPSET_UPDATE: str = "beatmapsetUpdate"#
BEATMAPSET_UPLOAD: str = "beatmapsetUpload"#
BEATMAP_PLAYCOUNT: str = "beatmapPlaycount"#
RANK: str = "rank"#
RANK_LOST: str = "rankLost"#
USERNAME_CHANGE: str = "usernameChange"#
USER_SUPPORT_AGAIN: str = "userSupportAgain"#
USER_SUPPORT_FIRST: str = "userSupportFirst"#
USER_SUPPORT_GIFT: str = "userSupportGift"#
class BeatmapsetApproval[source]#
APPROVED: str = "approved"#
LOVED: str = "loved"#
QUALIFIED: str = "qualified"#
RANKED: str = "ranked"#
class ForumTopicType[source]#
ANNOUNCEMENT: str = "announcement"#
NORMAL: str = "normal"#
STICKY: str = "sticky"#
class ChangelogMessageFormat[source]#
HTML: str = "html"#
MARKDOWN: str = "markdown"#
class UserRelationType[source]#
BLOCK: str = "block"#
FRIEND: str = "friend"#
class Grade[source]#
A: str = "A"#
B: str = "B"#
C: str = "C"#
D: str = "D"#
F: str = "F"#
S: str = "S"#
SH: str = "SH"#
SS: str = "X"#
SSH: str = "XH"#
class RoomType[source]#
HEAD_TO_HEAD: str = "head_to_head"#
PLAYLISTS: str = "playlists"#
TEAM_VERSUS: str = "team_versus"#
class RoomCategory[source]#
FEATURED_ARTIST: str = "featured_artist"#
NORMAL: str = "normal"#
SPOTLIGHT: str = "spotlight"#
class MatchEventType[source]#
HOST_CHANGED: str = "host-changed"#
MATCH_CREATED: str = "match-created"#
MATCH_DISBANDED: str = "match-disbanded"#
OTHER: str = "other"#
PLAYER_JOINED: str = "player-joined"#
PLAYER_KICKED: str = "player-kicked"#
PLAYER_LEFT: str = "player-left"#
class ScoringType[source]#
ACCURACY: str = "accuracy"#
COMBO: str = "combo"#
SCORE: str = "score"#
SCORE_V2: str = "scorev2"#
class TeamType[source]#
HEAD_TO_HEAD: str = "head-to-head"#
TAG_COOP: str = "tag-coop"#
TAG_TEAM_VS: str = "tag-team-vs"#
TEAM_VS: str = "team-vs"#
class Variant[source]#
KEY_4: str = "4k"#
KEY_7: str = "7k"#
class ScoreType[source]#
BEST: str = "best"#
FIRSTS: str = "firsts"#
RECENT: str = "recent"#
class RankingFilter[source]#
ALL: str = "all"#
FRIENDS: str = "friends"#
class RankingType[source]#
CHARTS: str = "charts"#
COUNTRY: str = "country"#
PERFORMANCE: str = "performance"#
SCORE: str = "score"#
class UserLookupKey[source]#
ID: str = "id"#
USERNAME: str = "username"#
class UserBeatmapType[source]#
FAVOURITE: str = "favourite"#
GRAVEYARD: str = "graveyard"#
GUEST: str = "guest"#
LOVED: str = "loved"#
MOST_PLAYED: str = "most_played"#
NOMINATED: str = "nominated"#
PENDING: str = "pending"#
RANKED: str = "ranked"#
class BeatmapDiscussionPostSort[source]#
NEW: str = "id_desc"#
OLD: str = "id_asc"#
class BeatmapsetStatus[source]#
ALL: str = "all"#
DISQUALIFIED: str = "disqualified"#
NEVER_QUALIFIED: str = "never_qualified"#
QUALIFIED: str = "qualified"#
RANKED: str = "ranked"#
class ChannelType[source]#
GROUP: str = "GROUP"#
PM: str = "PM"#
class CommentableType[source]#
BEATMAPSET: str = "beatmapset"#
CHANGELOG: str = "build"#
NEWS_POST: str = "news_post"#
class CommentSort[source]#
NEW: str = "new"#
OLD: str = "old"#
TOP: str = "top"#
class ForumTopicSort[source]#
NEW: str = "id_desc"#
OLD: str = "id_asc"#
class SearchMode[source]#
ALL: str = "all"#
USERS: str = "user"#
WIKI: str = "wiki_page"#
class MultiplayerScoresSort[source]#
NEW: str = "score_desc"#
OLD: str = "score_asc"#
class BeatmapsetDiscussionVote[source]#
DOWNVOTE: int = -1#
UPVOTE: int = 1#
class BeatmapsetDiscussionVoteSort[source]#
NEW: str = "id_desc"#
OLD: str = "id_asc"#
class BeatmapsetSearchCategory[source]#
ANY: str = "any"#
FAVOURITES: str = "favourites"#
GRAVEYARD: str = "graveyard"#
HAS_LEADERBOARD: str = "leaderboard"#
LOVED: str = "loved"#
MY_MAPS: str = "mine"#
PENDING: str = "pending"#
QUALIFIED: str = "qualified"#
RANKED: str = "ranked"#
WIP: str = "wip"#
class BeatmapsetSearchMode[source]#
ANY: int = -1#
CATCH: int = 2#
MANIA: int = 3#
OSU: int = 0#
TAIKO: int = 1#
class BeatmapsetSearchExplicitContent[source]#
HIDE: str = "hide"#
SHOW: str = "show"#
class BeatmapsetSearchGenre[source]#
ANIME: int = 3#
ANY: int = 0#
CLASSICAL: int = 12#
ELECTRONIC: int = 10#
FOLK: int = 13#
HIP_HOP: int = 9#
JAZZ: int = 14#
METAL: int = 11#
NOVELTY: int = 7#
OTHER: int = 6#
POP: int = 5#
ROCK: int = 4#
VIDEO_GAME: int = 2#
class BeatmapsetSearchLanguage[source]#
ANY: int = 0#
CHINESE: int = 4#
ENGLISH: int = 2#
FRENCH: int = 7#
GERMAN: int = 8#
ITALIAN: int = 11#
JAPANESE: int = 3#
KOREAN: int = 6#
OTHER: int = 14#
POLISH: int = 13#
RUSSIAN: int = 12#
SPANISH: int = 10#
SWEDISH: int = 9#
class BeatmapsetSearchSort[source]#
ARTIST_ASCENDING: str = "artist_asc"#
ARTIST_DESCENDING: str = "artist_desc"#
DIFFICULTY_ASCENDING: str = "difficulty_asc"#
DIFFICULTY_DESCENDING: str = "difficulty_desc"#
FAVORITES_ASCENDING: str = "favourites_asc"#
FAVORITES_DESCENDING: str = "favourites_desc"#
PLAYS_ASCENDING: str = "plays_asc"#
PLAYS_DESCENDING: str = "plays_desc"#
RANKED_ASCENDING: str = "ranked_asc"#
RANKED_DESCENDING: str = "ranked_desc"#
RATING_ASCENDING: str = "rating_asc"#
RATING_DESCENDING: str = "rating_desc"#
TITLE_ASCENDING: str = "title_asc"#
TITLE_DESCENDING: str = "title_desc"#
class NewsPostKey[source]#
ID: str = "id"#
SLUG: str = "slug"#
class RoomSearchMode[source]#
ACTIVE: str = "active"#
ALL: str = "all"#
ENDED: str = "ended"#
OWNED: str = "owned"#
PARTICIPATED: str = "participated"#
class EventsSort[source]#
NEW: str = "id_desc"#
OLD: str = "id_asc"#
class BeatmapPackType[source]#
ARTIST: str = "artist"#
CHART: str = "chart"#
FEATURED: str = "featured"#
LOVED: str = "loved"#
STANDARD: str = "standard"#
THEME: str = "theme"#
TOURNAMENT: str = "tournament"#
class Failtimes[source]#
exit: list[int] | None#
fail: list[int] | None#
class Ranking[source]#
active_users: int#
performance: int#
play_count: int#
ranked_score: int#
class Country[source]#
code: str#
display: int | None#
name: str#
ranking: Ranking | None#
class Cover[source]#
custom_url: str | None#
id: str | None#
url: str#
class ProfileBanner[source]#
id: int#
image: str#
image_2x: str#


image_2x is returned in the osu! api as image@2x.

tournament_id: int#
class UserAccountHistory[source]#
description: str | None#
id: int#
length: int#
permanent: bool#
timestamp: datetime#
type: UserAccountHistoryType#
class UserBadge[source]#
awarded_at: datetime#
description: str#
image_2x_url: str#


image_2x_url is returned in the osu! api as image@2x_url.

image_url: str#
url: str#
class GroupDescription[source]#
html: str#
markdown: str#
class UserGroup[source]#
colour: str | None#
description: GroupDescription | None#
has_listing: bool#
has_playmodes: bool#
id: int#
identifier: str#
is_probationary: bool#
name: str#
playmodes: list[GameMode] | None#
short_name: str#
class Covers[source]#
card: str#
card_2x: str#


card_2x is returned in the osu! api as card@2x.

cover: str#
cover_2x: str#


cover_2x is returned in the osu! api as cover@2x.

list: str#
list_2x: str#


list_2x is returned in the osu! api as list@2x.

slimcover: str#
slimcover_2x: str#


slimcover_2x is returned in the osu! api as slimcover@2x.

class Statistics[source]#
count_100: int | None#
count_300: int | None#
count_50: int | None#
count_geki: int | None#
count_katu: int | None#
count_miss: int | None#
class Availability[source]#
download_disabled: bool#
more_information: str | None#
class Hype[source]#
current: int#
required: int#
class Nominations[source]#
current: int#
required: int#
class Nomination[source]#
beatmapset_id: int#
reset: bool#
rulesets: list[GameMode]#
user_id: int#
class Kudosu[source]#
available: int#
total: int#
class KudosuGiver[source]#
url: str#
username: str#
class KudosuPost[source]#
title: str#
url: str | None#
class KudosuVote[source]#
score: int#
user: function[source]#
user_id: int#
class EventUser[source]#
previousUsername: str | None#
url: str#
username: str#
class EventBeatmap[source]#
title: str#
url: str#
class EventBeatmapset[source]#
title: str#
url: str#
class EventAchivement[source]#
description: str#
grouping: str#
icon_url: str#
id: int#
instructions: Any | None#
mode: GameMode | None#
name: str#
ordering: int#
slug: str#
class GithubUser[source]#
display_name: str#
github_url: str | None#
github_username: str | None#
id: int | None#
osu_username: str | None#
user: function[source]#
user_id: int | None#
user_url: str | None#
class ChangelogSearch[source]#
from_: str | None#


from_ is returned in the osu! api as from.

limit: int#
max_id: int | None#
stream: str | None#
to: str | None#
class NewsSearch[source]#
limit: int#
sort: str#
year: int | None#
class ForumPostBody[source]#
html: str#
raw: str#
class ForumPollText[source]#
bbcode: str#
html: str#
class ForumPollTitle[source]#
bbcode: str#
html: str#
class ReviewsConfig[source]#
max_blocks: int#
class RankHighest[source]#
rank: int#
updated_at: datetime#
class BeatmapPackUserCompletionData[source]#
beatmapset_ids: list[int]#
completed: bool#
class UserMonthlyPlaycount[source]#
count: int#
start_date: datetime#
class UserPage[source]#
html: str#
raw: str#
class UserLevel[source]#
current: int#
progress: int#
class UserGradeCounts[source]#
a: int#
s: int#
sh: int#
ss: int#
ssh: int#
class UserReplaysWatchedCount[source]#
count: int#
start_date: datetime#
class UserAchievement[source]#
achieved_at: datetime#
achievement_id: int#
class UserProfileCustomization[source]#
audio_autoplay: bool | None#
audio_muted: bool | None#
audio_volume: int | None#
beatmapset_download: BeatmapsetDownload | None#
beatmapset_show_nsfw: bool | None#
beatmapset_title_show_original: bool | None#
comments_show_deleted: bool | None#
forum_posts_show_deleted: bool#
ranking_expanded: bool#
user_list_filter: UserListFilters | None#
user_list_sort: UserListSorts | None#
user_list_view: UserListViews | None#
class RankHistory[source]#
data: list[int]#
mode: GameMode#
class Weight[source]#
percentage: float#
pp: float#


class Mod(value)[source]#

An ingame osu! mod.

Common combinations are available as HDDT, HDHR, and HDDTHR.


value (int or str or list) – A representation of the desired mod. This can either be its integer representation such as 64 for DT and 72 (64 + 8) for HDDT, or a string such as "DT" for DT and "HDDT" (or DTHD) for HDDT, or a list of strings such as ["HD", "DT"] for HDDT.
If used, the string must be composed of two-letter acronyms for mods, in any order.


The nightcore mod is never set by itself. When we see plays set with NC, we are really seeing a DT + NC play. NC by itself is 512, but what we expect to see is 576 (512 + 64; DT is 64). As such Mod.NC is defined to be the more intuitive version—DT + NC. We provide the true, technical version of the NC mod (512) as Mod._NC.

This same treatment and reasoning applies to Mod.PF, which we define as PF + SD. The technical version of PF is available as Mod._PF.

A full list of mods and their specification can be found at https://osu.ppy.sh/help/wiki/Game_Modifiers, or a more technical list at https://github.com/ppy/osu-api/wiki#mods.


The fact that this class subclasses ModCombination is slightly misleading. This is only done so that this class can be instantiated directly, backed by an internal ModCombination, instead of exposing ModCombination to users.

class Cursor[source]#
class UserCompact[source]#
account_history: list[UserAccountHistory] | None#
active_tournament_banner: ProfileBanner | None#
active_tournament_banners: list[ProfileBanner] | None#
avatar_url: str#
badges: list[UserBadge] | None#
beatmap_playcounts_count: int | None#
blocks: UserRelation | None#
country: Country | None#
country_code: str#
cover: Cover | None#
default_group: str | None#
expand: function[source]#
favourite_beatmapset_count: int | None#
follow_user_mapping: list[int] | None#
follower_count: int | None#
friends: list[UserRelation] | None#
graveyard_beatmapset_count: int | None#
groups: list[UserGroup] | None#
guest_beatmapset_count: int | None#
id: int#
is_active: bool#
is_bot: bool#
is_deleted: bool#
is_online: bool#
is_restricted: bool | None#
is_silenced: bool | None#
is_supporter: bool#
last_visit: datetime | None#
loved_beatmapset_count: int | None#
mapping_follower_count: int | None#
monthly_playcounts: list[UserMonthlyPlaycount] | None#
page: UserPage | None#
pending_beatmapset_count: int | None#
pm_friends_only: bool#
previous_usernames: list[str] | None#
profile_colour: str | None#
rankHistory: RankHistory | None#
rank_history: RankHistory | None#
ranked_and_approved_beatmapset_count: int | None#
ranked_beatmapset_count: int | None#
replays_watched_counts: list[UserReplaysWatchedCount] | None#
scores_best_count: int | None#
scores_first_count: int | None#
scores_recent_count: int | None#
session_verified: bool | None#
statistics: UserStatistics | None#
statistics_rulesets: UserStatisticsRulesets | None#
support_level: int | None#
unranked_beatmapset_count: int | None#
unread_pm_count: int | None#
user_achievements: list[UserAchievement] | None#
user_preferences: UserProfileCustomization | None#
username: str#
class User[source]#
account_history: list[UserAccountHistory] | None#
active_tournament_banner: ProfileBanner | None#
active_tournament_banners: list[ProfileBanner] | None#
avatar_url: str#
badges: list[UserBadge] | None#
beatmap_playcounts_count: int | None#
blocks: UserRelation | None#
comments_count: int#
country: Country | None#
country_code: str#
cover: Cover | None#
cover_url: str#
default_group: str | None#
discord: str | None#
expand: function[source]#
favourite_beatmapset_count: int | None#
follow_user_mapping: list[int] | None#
follower_count: int | None#
friends: list[UserRelation] | None#
graveyard_beatmapset_count: int | None#
groups: list[UserGroup] | None#
guest_beatmapset_count: int | None#
has_supported: bool#
id: int#
interests: str | None#
is_active: bool#
is_bot: bool#
is_deleted: bool#
is_online: bool#
is_restricted: bool | None#
is_silenced: bool | None#
is_supporter: bool#
join_date: datetime#
kudosu: Kudosu#
last_visit: datetime | None#
location: str | None#
loved_beatmapset_count: int | None#
mapping_follower_count: int | None#
max_blocks: int#
max_friends: int#
monthly_playcounts: list[UserMonthlyPlaycount] | None#
nominated_beatmapset_count: int#
occupation: str | None#
page: UserPage | None#
pending_beatmapset_count: int | None#
playmode: str#
playstyle: PlayStyles | None#
pm_friends_only: bool#
post_count: int#
previous_usernames: list[str] | None#
profile_colour: str | None#
profile_order: list[ProfilePage]#
rankHistory: RankHistory | None#
rank_highest: RankHighest | None#
rank_history: RankHistory | None#
ranked_and_approved_beatmapset_count: int | None#
ranked_beatmapset_count: int | None#
replays_watched_counts: list[UserReplaysWatchedCount] | None#
scores_best_count: int | None#
scores_first_count: int | None#
scores_pinned_count: int#
scores_recent_count: int | None#
session_verified: bool | None#
statistics: UserStatistics | None#
statistics_rulesets: UserStatisticsRulesets | None#
support_level: int | None#
title: str | None#
title_url: str | None#
twitter: str | None#
unranked_beatmapset_count: int | None#
unread_pm_count: int | None#
user_achievements: list[UserAchievement] | None#
user_preferences: UserProfileCustomization | None#
username: str#
website: str | None#
class BeatmapCompact[source]#
beatmapset: function[source]#
beatmapset_id: int#
checksum: str | None#
difficulty_rating: float#
expand: function[source]#
failtimes: Failtimes | None#
id: int#
max_combo: int | None#
mode: GameMode#
status: RankStatus#
total_length: int#
user: function[source]#
user_id: int#
version: str#
class Beatmap[source]#
accuracy: float#
ar: float#
beatmapset: function[source]#
beatmapset_id: int#
bpm: float | None#
checksum: str | None#
convert: bool#
count_circles: int#
count_sliders: int#
count_spinners: int#
cs: float#
deleted_at: datetime | None#
difficulty_rating: float#
drain: float#
expand: function[source]#
failtimes: Failtimes | None#
hit_length: int#
id: int#
is_scoreable: bool#
last_updated: datetime#
max_combo: int | None#
mode: GameMode#
mode_int: int#
owner: UserCompact | None#


owner is returned in the osu! api as user.

passcount: int#
playcount: int#
ranked: RankStatus#
status: RankStatus#
total_length: int#
url: str#
user: function#
user_id: int#
version: str#
class BeatmapsetCompact[source]#
artist: str#
artist_unicode: str#
beatmaps: list[Beatmap] | None#
converts: Any | None#
covers: Covers#
creator: str#
current_nominations: list[Nomination] | None#
current_user_attributes: Any | None#
description: Any | None#
discussions: Any | None#
events: Any | None#
expand: function[source]#
favourite_count: int#
genre: Any | None#
has_favourited: bool | None#
hype: Hype | None#
id: int#
language: Any | None#
nominations: Any | None#
nsfw: bool#
offset: int#
pack_tags: list[str] | None#
play_count: int#
preview_url: str#
ratings: Any | None#
recent_favourites: Any | None#
related_users: Any | None#
source: str#
spotlight: bool#
status: RankStatus#
title: str#
title_unicode: str#
track_id: int | None#
user: function[source]#
user_id: int#
video: bool#
class Beatmapset[source]#
artist: str#
artist_unicode: str#
availability: Availability#
beatmaps: list[Beatmap] | None#
bpm: float#
can_be_hyped: bool#
converts: Any | None#
covers: Covers#
creator: str#
current_nominations: list[Nomination] | None#
current_user_attributes: Any | None#
deleted_at: datetime | None#
description: Any | None#
discussion_enabled: bool#
discussion_locked: bool#
discussions: Any | None#
events: Any | None#
expand: function[source]#
favourite_count: int#
genre: Any | None#
has_favourited: bool | None#
hype: Hype | None#
id: int#
is_scoreable: bool#
language: Any | None#
last_updated: datetime#
legacy_thread_url: str | None#
nominations: Any | None#
nominations_summary: Nominations#
nsfw: bool#
offset: int#
pack_tags: list[str] | None#
play_count: int#
preview_url: str#
ranked: RankStatus#
ranked_date: datetime | None#
ratings: Any | None#
recent_favourites: Any | None#
related_users: Any | None#
source: str#
spotlight: bool#
status: RankStatus#
storyboard: bool#
submitted_date: datetime | None#
tags: str#
title: str#
title_unicode: str#
track_id: int | None#
user: function#
user_id: int#
video: bool#
class ScoreMatchInfo[source]#
pass_: bool#


pass_ is returned in the osu! api as pass.

slot: int#
team: str#
class Score[source]#
accuracy: float#
beatmap: Beatmap | None#
beatmapset: BeatmapsetCompact | None#
best_id: int | None#
created_at: datetime#
current_user_attributes: Any#
download: function[source]#
id: int | None#
match: ScoreMatchInfo | None#
max_combo: int#
mode: GameMode#
mode_int: int#
mods: Mod#
passed: bool#
perfect: bool#
pp: float | None#
rank: Grade#
rank_country: int | None#
rank_global: int | None#
replay: bool#
score: int#
statistics: Statistics#
type: str#
user: function[source]#
user_id: int#
weight: Weight | None#
class BeatmapUserScore[source]#
position: int#
score: Score#
class _NonLegacyBeatmapUserScore[source]#
position: int#
score: _NonLegacyScore#
class BeatmapUserScores[source]#
scores: list[Score]#
class BeatmapScores[source]#
scores: list[Score]#
user_score: BeatmapUserScore | None#


user_score is returned in the osu! api as userScore.

class CommentableMeta[source]#
current_user_attributes: CommentableMetaCurrentUserAttributes | None#
id: int | None#
owner_id: int | None#
owner_title: str | None#
title: str#
type: str | None#
url: str | None#
class CommentableMetaCurrentUserAttributes[source]#
can_new_comment_reason: str | None#
class Comment[source]#
commentable_id: int | None#
commentable_type: str | None#
created_at: datetime#
deleted_at: datetime | None#
edited_at: datetime | None#
edited_by: function[source]#
edited_by_id: int | None#
id: int#
legacy_name: str | None#
message: str | None#
message_html: str | None#
parent_id: int | None#
pinned: bool#
replies_count: int#
updated_at: datetime#
user: function[source]#
user_id: int | None#
votes_count: int#
class CommentBundle[source]#
commentable_meta: list[CommentableMeta]#
comments: list[Comment]#
cursor: Cursor | None#
has_more: bool#
has_more_id: int | None#
included_comments: list[Comment]#
pinned_comments: list[Comment] | None#
sort: str#
top_level_count: int | None#
total: int | None#
user_follow: bool#
user_votes: list[int]#
users: list[UserCompact]#
class ForumPost[source]#
body: ForumPostBody#
created_at: datetime#
deleted_at: datetime | None#
edited_at: datetime | None#
edited_by: function[source]#
edited_by_id: int | None#
forum_id: int#
id: int#
topic_id: int#
user: function[source]#
user_id: int#
class ForumTopic[source]#
created_at: datetime#
deleted_at: datetime | None#
first_post_id: int#
forum_id: int#
id: int#
is_locked: bool#
last_post_id: int#
poll: ForumPollModel | None#
post_count: int#
title: str#
type: ForumTopicType#
updated_at: datetime#
user: function[source]#
user_id: int#
class ForumPollModel[source]#
allow_vote_change: bool#
ended_at: datetime | None#
hide_incomplete_results: bool#
last_vote_at: datetime | None#
max_votes: int#
options: list[ForumPollOption]#
started_at: datetime#
title: ForumPollTitle#
total_vote_count: int#
class ForumPollOption[source]#
id: int#
text: ForumPollText#
vote_count: int | None#
class ForumTopicAndPosts[source]#
cursor: Cursor | None#
cursor_string: str | None#
posts: list[ForumPost]#
search: ForumTopicSearch#
topic: ForumTopic#
class CreateForumTopicResponse[source]#
post: ForumPost#
topic: ForumTopic#
class ForumTopicSearch[source]#
end: int | None#
limit: int | None#
sort: ForumTopicSort | None#
start: int | None#
class SearchResult[source]#
data: list[T]#
total: int#
class WikiPage[source]#
available_locales: list[str]#
layout: str#
locale: str#
markdown: str#
path: str#
subtitle: str | None#
tags: list[str]#
title: str#
class Search[source]#
users: ossapi.models.SearchResult[ossapi.models.UserCompact] | None#


users is returned in the osu! api as user.

wiki_pages: ossapi.models.SearchResult[ossapi.models.WikiPage] | None#


wiki_pages is returned in the osu! api as wiki_page.

class Spotlight[source]#
end_date: datetime#
id: int#
mode_specific: bool#
name: str#
participant_count: int | None#
start_date: datetime#
type: str#
class Spotlights[source]#
spotlights: list[Spotlight]#
class Users[source]#
users: list[UserCompact]#
class Beatmaps[source]#
beatmaps: list[Beatmap]#
class BeatmapPacks[source]#
beatmap_packs: list[BeatmapPack]#
cursor: Cursor | None#
cursor_string: str | None#
class Rankings[source]#
beatmapsets: list[Beatmapset] | None#
cursor: Cursor | None#
ranking: list[UserStatistics] | list[CountryStatistics] | None#
spotlight: Spotlight | None#
total: int#
class BeatmapsetDiscussionPost[source]#
beatmapset_discussion_id: int#
created_at: datetime#
deleted_at: datetime | None#
deleted_by: function[source]#
deleted_by_id: int | None#
id: int#
last_editor: function[source]#
last_editor_id: int | None#
message: str#
system: bool#
updated_at: datetime#
user: function[source]#
user_id: int#
class BeatmapsetDiscussion[source]#
beatmap: function[source]#
beatmap_id: int | None#
beatmapset: function[source]#
beatmapset_id: int#
can_be_resolved: bool#
can_grant_kudosu: bool#
created_at: datetime#
current_user_attributes: Any#
deleted_at: datetime | None#
deleted_by: function[source]#
deleted_by_id: int | None#
id: int#
kudosu_denied: bool#
last_post_at: datetime#
message_type: MessageType#
parent_id: int | None#
posts: list[BeatmapsetDiscussionPost] | None#
resolved: bool#
starting_post: BeatmapsetDiscussionPost | None#
timestamp: int | None#
updated_at: datetime#
user: function[source]#
user_id: int#
class BeatmapsetDiscussionVote[source]#
beatmapset_discussion_id: int#
created_at: datetime#
cursor_string: str | None#
id: int#
score: int#
updated_at: datetime#
user: function[source]#
user_id: int#
class KudosuHistory[source]#
action: KudosuAction#
amount: int#
created_at: datetime#
details: Any#
giver: KudosuGiver | None#
id: int#
model: str#
post: KudosuPost#
class BeatmapPlaycount[source]#
beatmap: function[source]#
beatmap_id: int#
beatmapset: BeatmapsetCompact | None#
count: int#
class Event[source]#
createdAt: datetime#
created_at: datetime#
id: int#
type: EventType#
class AchievementEvent[source]#
achievement: EventAchivement#
createdAt: datetime#
created_at: datetime#
id: int#
type: EventType#
user: EventUser#
class BeatmapPlaycountEvent[source]#
beatmap: EventBeatmap#
count: int#
createdAt: datetime#
created_at: datetime#
id: int#
type: EventType#
class BeatmapsetApproveEvent[source]#
approval: BeatmapsetApproval#
beatmapset: EventBeatmapset#
createdAt: datetime#
created_at: datetime#
id: int#
type: EventType#
user: EventUser#
class BeatmapsetDeleteEvent[source]#
beatmapset: EventBeatmapset#
createdAt: datetime#
created_at: datetime#
id: int#
type: EventType#
class BeatmapsetReviveEvent[source]#
beatmapset: EventBeatmapset#
createdAt: datetime#
created_at: datetime#
id: int#
type: EventType#
user: EventUser#
class BeatmapsetUpdateEvent[source]#
beatmapset: EventBeatmapset#
createdAt: datetime#
created_at: datetime#
id: int#
type: EventType#
user: EventUser#
class BeatmapsetUploadEvent[source]#
beatmapset: EventBeatmapset#
createdAt: datetime#
created_at: datetime#
id: int#
type: EventType#
user: EventUser#
class RankEvent[source]#
beatmap: EventBeatmap#
createdAt: datetime#
created_at: datetime#
id: int#
mode: GameMode#
rank: int#
scoreRank: str#
type: EventType#
user: EventUser#
class RankLostEvent[source]#
beatmap: EventBeatmap#
createdAt: datetime#
created_at: datetime#
id: int#
mode: GameMode#
type: EventType#
user: EventUser#
class UserSupportFirstEvent[source]#
createdAt: datetime#
created_at: datetime#
id: int#
type: EventType#
user: EventUser#
class UserSupportAgainEvent[source]#
createdAt: datetime#
created_at: datetime#
id: int#
type: EventType#
user: EventUser#
class UserSupportGiftEvent[source]#
createdAt: datetime#
created_at: datetime#
id: int#
type: EventType#
user: EventUser#
class UsernameChangeEvent[source]#
createdAt: datetime#
created_at: datetime#
id: int#
type: EventType#
user: EventUser#
class Build[source]#
changelog_entries: list[ChangelogEntry] | None#
created_at: datetime#
display_version: str#
id: int#
update_stream: UpdateStream | None#
users: int#
version: str | None#
versions: Versions | None#
youtube_id: str | None#
class Versions[source]#
next: Build | None#
previous: Build | None#
class UpdateStream[source]#
display_name: str | None#
id: int#
latest_build: Build | None#
name: str#
user_count: int | None#
class ChangelogEntry[source]#
category: str#
created_at: datetime | None#
github_pull_request_id: int | None#
github_url: str | None#
github_user: GithubUser#
id: int | None#
major: bool#
message: str | None#
message_html: str | None#
repository: str | None#
title: str | None#
type: str#
url: str | None#
class ChangelogListing[source]#
builds: list[Build]#
search: ChangelogSearch#
streams: list[UpdateStream]#
class MultiplayerScores[source]#
cursor_string: str | None#
params: str#
scores: list[MultiplayerScore]#
total: int | None#
user_score: MultiplayerScore | None#
class MultiplayerScore[source]#
beatmap: function[source]#
beatmap_id: int#
id: int#
max_combo: int#
mods: list[Mod]#
passed: bool#
playlist_item_id: int#
position: int | None#
rank: int#
room_id: int#
scores_around: MultiplayerScoresAround | None#
statistics: Statistics#
total_score: int#
user: User#
user_id: int#
class MultiplayerScoresAround[source]#
higher: list[MultiplayerScore]#
lower: list[MultiplayerScore]#
class NewsListing[source]#
cursor: Cursor | None#
cursor_string: str | None#
news_posts: list[NewsPost]#
news_sidebar: NewsSidebar#
search: NewsSearch#
class NewsPost[source]#
author: str#
content: str | None#
edit_url: str#
first_image: str | None#
id: int#
navigation: NewsNavigation | None#
preview: str | None#
published_at: datetime#
slug: str#
title: str#
updated_at: datetime#
class NewsNavigation[source]#
newer: NewsPost | None#
older: NewsPost | None#
class NewsSidebar[source]#
current_year: int#
news_posts: list[NewsPost]#
years: list[int]#
class SeasonalBackgrounds[source]#
backgrounds: list[SeasonalBackground]#
ends_at: datetime#
class SeasonalBackground[source]#
url: str#
user: UserCompact#
class DifficultyAttributes[source]#
attributes: BeatmapDifficultyAttributes#
class BeatmapDifficultyAttributes[source]#
aim_difficulty: float | None#
approach_rate: float | None#
colour_difficulty: float | None#
flashlight_difficulty: float | None#
great_hit_window: float | None#
max_combo: int#
overall_difficulty: float | None#
rhythm_difficulty: float | None#
score_multiplier: float | None#
slider_factor: float | None#
speed_difficulty: float | None#
speed_note_count: float | None#
stamina_difficulty: float | None#
star_rating: float#
class Events[source]#
cursor: Cursor | None#
cursor_string: str | None#
events: list[Event]#
class BeatmapPack[source]#
author: str#
beatmapsets: list[Beatmapset] | None#
date: datetime#
name: str#
no_diff_reduction: bool#
ruleset_id: int | None#
tag: str#
url: str#
user_completion_data: BeatmapPackUserCompletionData | None#
class ForumPoll[source]#
hide_results: bool#
length_days: int#
max_options: int#
vote_change: bool#
class BeatmapsetSearchResult[source]#
beatmapsets: list[Beatmapset]#
cursor: Cursor | None#
cursor_string: str | None#
error: str | None#
recommended_difficulty: float | None#
search: Any#
total: int#
class BeatmapsetDiscussions[source]#
beatmaps: list[Beatmap]#
beatmapsets: list[Beatmapset]#
cursor: Cursor | None#
cursor_string: str | None#
discussions: list[BeatmapsetDiscussion]#
included_discussions: list[BeatmapsetDiscussion]#
reviews_config: ReviewsConfig#
users: list[UserCompact]#
class BeatmapsetDiscussionReview[source]#
max_blocks: int#
class BeatmapsetDiscussionPosts[source]#
beatmapsets: list[BeatmapsetCompact]#
cursor: Cursor | None#
cursor_string: str | None#
discussions: list[BeatmapsetDiscussion]#
posts: list[BeatmapsetDiscussionPost]#
users: list[UserCompact]#
class BeatmapsetDiscussionVotes[source]#
cursor: Cursor | None#
cursor_string: str | None#
discussions: list[BeatmapsetDiscussion]#
users: list[UserCompact]#
votes: list[BeatmapsetDiscussionVote]#
class BeatmapsetEventComment[source]#
beatmap_discussion_id: int#
beatmap_discussion_post_id: int#
class BeatmapsetEventCommentNoPost[source]#
beatmap_discussion_id: int#
beatmap_discussion_post_id: None#
class BeatmapsetEventCommentNone[source]#
beatmap_discussion_id: None#
beatmap_discussion_post_id: None#
class BeatmapsetEventCommentChange[source]#
beatmap_discussion_id: None#
beatmap_discussion_post_id: None#
new: S#
old: S#
class BeatmapsetEventCommentLovedRemoval[source]#
beatmap_discussion_id: None#
beatmap_discussion_post_id: None#
reason: str#
class BeatmapsetEventCommentKudosuChange[source]#
beatmap_discussion_id: int#
beatmap_discussion_post_id: None#
new_vote: KudosuVote#
votes: list[KudosuVote]#
class BeatmapsetEventCommentKudosuRecalculate[source]#
beatmap_discussion_id: int#
beatmap_discussion_post_id: None#
new_vote: KudosuVote | None#
class BeatmapsetEventCommentOwnerChange[source]#
beatmap_discussion_id: None#
beatmap_discussion_post_id: None#
beatmap_id: int#
beatmap_version: str#
new_user_id: int#
new_user_username: str#
class BeatmapsetEventCommentNominate[source]#
modes: list[GameMode]#
class BeatmapsetEventCommentWithNominators[source]#
beatmap_discussion_id: int#
beatmap_discussion_post_id: None#
nominator_ids: list[int] | None#
class BeatmapsetEventCommentWithSourceUser[source]#
beatmap_discussion_id: int#
beatmap_discussion_post_id: None#
source_user_id: int#
source_user_username: str#
class BeatmapsetEvent[source]#
beatmapset: BeatmapsetCompact | None#
comment: str#
created_at: datetime#
discussion: BeatmapsetDiscussion | None#
id: int#
type: BeatmapsetEventType#
user: function[source]#
user_id: int | None#
class ChatChannel[source]#
channel_id: int#
description: str | None#
icon: str | None#
last_message_id: int | None#
last_read_id: int | None#
message_length_limit: int#
moderated: bool | None#
name: str#
recent_messages: list[ChatMessage] | None#
type: ChannelType#
users: list[int] | None#
uuid: str | None#
class ChatMessage[source]#
channel_id: int#
content: str#
is_action: bool#
message_id: int#
sender: UserCompact#
sender_id: int#
timestamp: datetime#
type: str#
class CountryStatistics[source]#
active_users: int#
code: str#
country: Country#
performance: int#
play_count: int#
ranked_score: int#
class CreatePMResponse[source]#
channel: ChatChannel#
message: ChatMessage#
new_channel_id: int#
presence: list[ChatChannel] | None#
class ModdingHistoryEventsBundle[source]#
events: list[BeatmapsetEvent]#
reviewsConfig: BeatmapsetDiscussionReview#
users: list[UserCompact]#
class UserRelation[source]#
mutual: bool#
relation_type: UserRelationType#
target: UserCompact | None#
target_id: int#
class StatisticsVariant[source]#
country_rank: int | None#
global_rank: int | None#
mode: GameMode#
pp: float#
variant: Variant#
class UserStatistics[source]#
count_100: int#
count_300: int#
count_50: int#
count_miss: int#
country_rank: int | None#
global_rank: int | None#
global_rank_exp: float | None#
grade_counts: UserGradeCounts#
hit_accuracy: float#
is_ranked: bool#
level: UserLevel#
maximum_combo: int#
play_count: int#
play_time: int#
pp: float#
pp_exp: float#
rank: Any | None#
ranked_score: int#
replays_watched_by_others: int#
total_hits: int#
total_score: int#
user: UserCompact | None#
variants: list[StatisticsVariant] | None#
class UserStatisticsRulesets[source]#
fruits: UserStatistics | None#
mania: UserStatistics | None#
osu: UserStatistics | None#
taiko: UserStatistics | None#
class RoomPlaylistItemMod[source]#
acronym: str#
settings: Dict[str, Any]#
class RoomPlaylistItem[source]#
allowed_mods: list[RoomPlaylistItemMod]#
beatmap: BeatmapCompact#
beatmap_id: int#
expired: bool#
id: int#
owner_id: int#
played_at: datetime | None#
playlist_order: int | None#
required_mods: list[RoomPlaylistItemMod]#
room_id: int#
ruleset_id: int#
class Room[source]#
active: bool#
auto_skip: bool#
category: RoomCategory#
channel_id: int#
ends_at: datetime#
has_password: bool#
host: UserCompact#
id: int#
max_attempts: int | None#
name: str#
participant_count: int#
playlist: list[RoomPlaylistItem]#
queue_mode: str#
recent_participants: list[UserCompact]#
starts_at: datetime#
type: RoomType#
user_id: int#
class RoomLeaderboardScore[source]#
accuracy: float#
attempts: int#
completed: int#
pp: float#
room_id: int#
total_score: int#
user: UserCompact#
user_id: int#
class RoomLeaderboardUserScore[source]#
accuracy: float#
attempts: int#
completed: int#
position: int#
pp: float#
room_id: int#
total_score: int#
user: UserCompact#
user_id: int#
class RoomLeaderboard[source]#
leaderboard: list[RoomLeaderboardScore]#
user_score: RoomLeaderboardUserScore#
class Match[source]#
end_time: datetime | None#
id: int#
name: str#
start_time: datetime#
class Matches[source]#
cursor: Cursor | None#
cursor_string: str | None#
matches: list[Match]#
params: Any#
class MatchGame[source]#
beatmap: BeatmapCompact | None#
beatmap_id: int#
end_time: datetime | None#
id: int#
mode: GameMode#
mode_int: int#
mods: list[Mod]#
scores: list[Score]#
scoring_type: ScoringType#
start_time: datetime#
team_type: TeamType#
class MatchEventDetail[source]#
text: str | None#
type: MatchEventType#
class MatchEvent[source]#
detail: MatchEventDetail#
game: MatchGame | None#
id: int#
timestamp: datetime#
user_id: int | None#
class MatchResponse[source]#
current_game_id: int | None#
events: list[MatchEvent]#
first_event_id: int#
latest_event_id: int#
match: Match#
users: list[UserCompact]#
class _NonLegacyBeatmapScores[source]#
scores: list[_NonLegacyScore]#
user_score: _NonLegacyBeatmapUserScore | None#


user_score is returned in the osu! api as userScore.

class _NonLegacyMod[source]#
class _NonLegacyStatistics[source]#
combo_break: int | None#
good: int | None#
great: int | None#
ignore_hit: int | None#
ignore_miss: int | None#
large_bonus: int | None#
large_tick_hit: int | None#
large_tick_miss: int | None#
legacy_combo_increase: int | None#
meh: int | None#
miss: int | None#
ok: int | None#
perfect: int | None#
slider_tail_hit: int | None#
small_bonus: int | None#
small_tick_hit: int | None#
small_tick_miss: int | None#
class _NonLegacyScore[source]#
accuracy: float#
beatmap_id: int#
beatmapset: BeatmapsetCompact | None#
best_id: int | None#
build_id: int | None#
current_user_attributes: Any#
ended_at: datetime#
has_replay: bool#
id: int | None#
is_perfect_combo: bool#
legacy_perfect: bool#
legacy_score_id: int#
legacy_total_score: int#
match: ScoreMatchInfo | None#
max_combo: int#
maximum_statistics: Any#
mods: _NonLegacyMod#
passed: bool#
pp: float | None#
preserve: bool#
rank: Grade#
rank_country: int | None#
rank_global: int | None#
ranked: bool#
replay: bool#
ruleset_id: int#
started_at: datetime | None#
statistics: _NonLegacyStatistics#
total_score: int#
type: str#
user: function[source]#
user_id: int#
weight: Weight | None#


class Ossapi(client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri=None, scopes=[<Scope.PUBLIC: 'public'>], *, grant=None, strict=False, token_directory=None, token_key=None, access_token=None, refresh_token=None, domain=Domain.OSU)[source]#

A wrapper around osu! api v2. The main entry point for ossapi.

  • client_id (int) – The id of the client to authenticate with.

  • client_secret (str) – The secret of the client to authenticate with.

  • redirect_uri (str) – The redirect uri for the client. Must be passed if using the authorization code grant. This must exactly match the redirect uri on the client’s settings page. Additionally, in order for ossapi to receive authentication from this redirect uri, it must be a port on localhost, e.g. “http://localhost:3914/”. You can change your client’s redirect uri from its settings page.

  • scopes (List[str]) – What scopes to request when authenticating.

  • grant (Grant or str) – Which oauth grant (aka flow) to use when authenticating with the api. The osu api offers the client credentials (pass “client” for this parameter) and authorization code (pass “authorization” for this parameter) grants.
    The authorization code grant requires user interaction to authenticate the first time, but grants full access to the api. In contrast, the client credentials grant does not require user interaction to authenticate, but only grants guest user access to the api. This means you will not be able to do things like download replays on the client credentials grant.
    If not passed, the grant will be automatically inferred as follows: if redirect_uri is passed, use the authorization code grant. If redirect_uri is not passed, use the client credentials grant.

  • strict (bool) – Whether to run in “strict” mode. In strict mode, ossapi will raise an exception if the api returns an attribute in a response which we didn’t expect to be there. This is useful for developers which want to catch new attributes as they get added. More checks may be added in the future for things which developers may want to be aware of, but normal users do not want to have an exception raised for.
    If you are not a developer, you are very unlikely to want to use this parameter.

  • token_directory (str) – If passed, the given directory will be used to store and retrieve token files instead of locally wherever ossapi is installed. Useful if you want more control over token files.

  • token_key (str) – If passed, the given key will be used to name the token file instead of an automatically generated one. Note that if you pass this, you are taking responsibility for making sure it is unique / unused, and also for remembering the key you passed if you wish to eg remove the token in the future, which requires the key.

  • access_token (str) – Access token from the osu! api. Allows instantiating Ossapi after manually authenticating with the osu! api.

  • refresh_token (str) – Refresh token from the osu! api. Allows instantiating Ossapi after manually authenticating with the osu! api. Optional if using Grant.CLIENT_CREDENTIALS.

  • domain (Domain or str) – The domain to retrieve information from. This defaults to Domain.OSU, which corresponds to osu.ppy.sh, the main website.
    To retrieve information from dev.ppy.sh, specify Domain.DEV.
    See Domains for more about domains.


class OssapiAsync(client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri=None, scopes=[<Scope.PUBLIC: 'public'>], *, grant=None, strict=False, token_directory=None, token_key=None, access_token=None, refresh_token=None, domain=Domain.OSU)[source]#

Async equivalent of Ossapi. Main (async) entry point into osu! api v2.

  • client_id (int) – The id of the client to authenticate with.

  • client_secret (str) – The secret of the client to authenticate with.

  • redirect_uri (str) – The redirect uri for the client. Must be passed if using the authorization code grant. This must exactly match the redirect uri on the client’s settings page. Additionally, in order for ossapi to receive authentication from this redirect uri, it must be a port on localhost, e.g. “http://localhost:3914/”. You can change your client’s redirect uri from its settings page.

  • scopes (List[str]) – What scopes to request when authenticating.

  • grant (Grant or str) – Which oauth grant (aka flow) to use when authenticating with the api. The osu api offers the client credentials (pass “client” for this parameter) and authorization code (pass “authorization” for this parameter) grants.
    The authorization code grant requires user interaction to authenticate the first time, but grants full access to the api. In contrast, the client credentials grant does not require user interaction to authenticate, but only grants guest user access to the api. This means you will not be able to do things like download replays on the client credentials grant.
    If not passed, the grant will be automatically inferred as follows: if redirect_uri is passed, use the authorization code grant. If redirect_uri is not passed, use the client credentials grant.

  • strict (bool) – Whether to run in “strict” mode. In strict mode, ossapi will raise an exception if the api returns an attribute in a response which we didn’t expect to be there. This is useful for developers which want to catch new attributes as they get added. More checks may be added in the future for things which developers may want to be aware of, but normal users do not want to have an exception raised for.
    If you are not a developer, you are very unlikely to want to use this parameter.

  • token_directory (str) – If passed, the given directory will be used to store and retrieve token files instead of locally wherever ossapi is installed. Useful if you want more control over token files.

  • token_key (str) – If passed, the given key will be used to name the token file instead of an automatically generated one. Note that if you pass this, you are taking responsibility for making sure it is unique / unused, and also for remembering the key you passed if you wish to eg remove the token in the future, which requires the key.

  • access_token (str) – Access token from the osu! api. Allows instantiating Ossapi after manually authenticating with the osu! api.

  • refresh_token (str) – Refresh token from the osu! api. Allows instantiating Ossapi after manually authenticating with the osu! api. Optional if using Grant.CLIENT_CREDENTIALS.

  • domain (Domain or str) – The domain to retrieve information from. This defaults to Domain.OSU, which corresponds to osu.ppy.sh, the main website.
    To retrieve information from dev.ppy.sh, specify Domain.DEV.
    See Domains for more about domains.


class Scope(value)[source]#

The OAuth scopes used by the api.

CHAT_WRITE = 'chat.write'#
CHAT_WRITE_MANAGE = 'chat.write_manage'#
CHAT_READ = 'chat.read'#
DELEGATE = 'delegate'#
FORUM_WRITE = 'forum.write'#
FRIENDS_READ = 'friends.read'#
IDENTIFY = 'identify'#
PUBLIC = 'public'#


class Domain(value)[source]#

Different possible api domains. These correspond to different deployments of the osu server, such as osu.ppy.sh or dev.ppy.sh.

The default domain, and the one the vast majority of users want, is Domain.OSU, and corresponds to the main website.

OSU = 'osu'#
DEV = 'dev'#


class Grant(value)[source]#

The grant types used by the api.

AUTHORIZATION_CODE = 'authorization'#


class Replay(replay, api)[source]#

A replay played by a player.


This is a thin wrapper around an osrparse.replay.Replay instance. It converts some attributes to more appropriate types and adds user() and beatmap() to retrieve api-related objects.

property beatmap: Beatmap#

The beatmap this replay was played on.


Accessing this property for the first time will result in a web request to retrieve the beatmap from the api. We cache the return value, so further accesses are free.

property user: User#

The user that played this replay.


Accessing this property for the first time will result in a web request to retrieve the user from the api. We cache the return value, so further accesses are free.

pack(*, dict_size=None, mode=None)[source]#

Returns the text representing this Replay, in .osr format. The text returned by this method is suitable for writing to a file as a valid .osr file.


The text representing this Replay, in .osr format.

Return type:
