API Reference


class ProfilePage[source]
BEATMAPS: str = "beatmaps"
HISTORICAL: str = "historical"
KUDOSU: str = "kudosu"
ME: str = "me"
MEDALS: str = "medals"
RECENT_ACTIVITY: str = "recent_activity"
TOP_RANKS: str = "top_ranks"
class GameMode[source]
CATCH: str = "fruits"
MANIA: str = "mania"
OSU: str = "osu"
TAIKO: str = "taiko"
class PlayStyles[source]
KEYBOARD: int = 2
MOUSE: int = 1
TABLET: int = 4
TOUCH: int = 8
class RankStatus[source]
APPROVED: int = 2
GRAVEYARD: int = -2
LOVED: int = 4
PENDING: int = 0
QUALIFIED: int = 3
RANKED: int = 1
WIP: int = -1
class UserAccountHistoryType[source]
NOTE: str = "note"
RESTRICTION: str = "restriction"
SILENCE: str = "silence"
TOURNAMENT_BAN: str = "tournament_ban"
class MessageType[source]
HYPE: str = "hype"
MAPPER_NOTE: str = "mapper_note"
PRAISE: str = "praise"
PROBLEM: str = "problem"
REVIEW: str = "review"
SUGGESTION: str = "suggestion"
class BeatmapsetEventType[source]
APPROVE: str = "approve"
BEATMAP_OWNER_CHANGE: str = "beatmap_owner_change"
DISCUSSION_DELETE: str = "discussion_delete"
DISCUSSION_LOCK: str = "discussion_lock"
DISCUSSION_POST_DELETE: str = "discussion_post_delete"
DISCUSSION_POST_RESTORE: str = "discussion_post_restore"
DISCUSSION_RESTORE: str = "discussion_restore"
DISCUSSION_UNLOCK: str = "discussion_unlock"
DISQUALIFY: str = "disqualify"
DISQUALIFY_LEGACY: str = "disqualify_legacy"
GENRE_EDIT: str = "genre_edit"
ISSUE_REOPEN: str = "issue_reopen"
ISSUE_RESOLVE: str = "issue_resolve"
KUDOSU_ALLOW: str = "kudosu_allow"
KUDOSU_DENY: str = "kudosu_deny"
KUDOSU_GAIN: str = "kudosu_gain"
KUDOSU_LOST: str = "kudosu_lost"
KUDOSU_RECALCULATE: str = "kudosu_recalculate"
LANGUAGE_EDIT: str = "language_edit"
LOVE: str = "love"
NOMINATE: str = "nominate"
NOMINATE_MODES: str = "nominate_modes"
NOMINATION_RESET: str = "nomination_reset"
NOMINATION_RESET_RECEIVED: str = "nomination_reset_received"
NSFW_TOGGLE: str = "nsfw_toggle"
QUALIFY: str = "qualify"
RANK: str = "rank"
REMOVE_FROM_LOVED: str = "remove_from_loved"
class BeatmapsetDownload[source]
ALL: str = "all"
DIRECT: str = "direct"
NO_VIDEO: str = "no_video"
class UserListFilters[source]
ALL: str = "all"
OFFLINE: str = "offline"
ONLINE: str = "online"
class UserListSorts[source]
LAST_VISIT: str = "last_visit"
RANK: str = "rank"
USERNAME: str = "username"
class UserListViews[source]
BRICK: str = "brick"
CARD: str = "card"
LIST: str = "list"
class KudosuAction[source]
GIVE: str = "vote.give"
RESET: str = "vote.reset"
REVOKE: str = "vote.revoke"
class EventType[source]
ACHIEVEMENT: str = "achievement"
BEATMAPSET_APPROVE: str = "beatmapsetApprove"
BEATMAPSET_DELETE: str = "beatmapsetDelete"
BEATMAPSET_REVIVE: str = "beatmapsetRevive"
BEATMAPSET_UPDATE: str = "beatmapsetUpdate"
BEATMAPSET_UPLOAD: str = "beatmapsetUpload"
BEATMAP_PLAYCOUNT: str = "beatmapPlaycount"
RANK: str = "rank"
RANK_LOST: str = "rankLost"
USERNAME_CHANGE: str = "usernameChange"
USER_SUPPORT_AGAIN: str = "userSupportAgain"
USER_SUPPORT_FIRST: str = "userSupportFirst"
USER_SUPPORT_GIFT: str = "userSupportGift"
class BeatmapsetApproval[source]
APPROVED: str = "approved"
LOVED: str = "loved"
QUALIFIED: str = "qualified"
RANKED: str = "ranked"
class ForumTopicType[source]
ANNOUNCEMENT: str = "announcement"
NORMAL: str = "normal"
STICKY: str = "sticky"
class ChangelogMessageFormat[source]
HTML: str = "html"
MARKDOWN: str = "markdown"
class UserRelationType[source]
BLOCK: str = "block"
FRIEND: str = "friend"
class Grade[source]
A: str = "A"
B: str = "B"
C: str = "C"
D: str = "D"
F: str = "F"
S: str = "S"
SH: str = "SH"
SS: str = "X"
SSH: str = "XH"
class RoomType[source]
HEAD_TO_HEAD: str = "head_to_head"
PLAYLISTS: str = "playlists"
TEAM_VERSUS: str = "team_versus"
class RoomCategory[source]
DAILY_CHALLENGE: str = "daily_challenge"
FEATURED_ARTIST: str = "featured_artist"
NORMAL: str = "normal"
SPOTLIGHT: str = "spotlight"
class MatchEventType[source]
HOST_CHANGED: str = "host-changed"
MATCH_CREATED: str = "match-created"
MATCH_DISBANDED: str = "match-disbanded"
OTHER: str = "other"
PLAYER_JOINED: str = "player-joined"
PLAYER_KICKED: str = "player-kicked"
PLAYER_LEFT: str = "player-left"
class ScoringType[source]
ACCURACY: str = "accuracy"
COMBO: str = "combo"
SCORE: str = "score"
SCORE_V2: str = "scorev2"
class TeamType[source]
HEAD_TO_HEAD: str = "head-to-head"
TAG_COOP: str = "tag-coop"
TAG_TEAM_VS: str = "tag-team-vs"
TEAM_VS: str = "team-vs"
class Variant[source]
KEY_4: str = "4k"
KEY_7: str = "7k"
class ScoreType[source]
BEST: str = "best"
FIRSTS: str = "firsts"
RECENT: str = "recent"
class RankingFilter[source]
ALL: str = "all"
FRIENDS: str = "friends"
class RankingType[source]
CHARTS: str = "charts"
COUNTRY: str = "country"
PERFORMANCE: str = "performance"
SCORE: str = "score"
class UserLookupKey[source]
ID: str = "id"
USERNAME: str = "username"
class UserBeatmapType[source]
FAVOURITE: str = "favourite"
GRAVEYARD: str = "graveyard"
GUEST: str = "guest"
LOVED: str = "loved"
MOST_PLAYED: str = "most_played"
NOMINATED: str = "nominated"
PENDING: str = "pending"
RANKED: str = "ranked"
class BeatmapDiscussionPostSort[source]
NEW: str = "id_desc"
OLD: str = "id_asc"
class BeatmapsetStatus[source]
ALL: str = "all"
DISQUALIFIED: str = "disqualified"
NEVER_QUALIFIED: str = "never_qualified"
QUALIFIED: str = "qualified"
RANKED: str = "ranked"
class ChannelType[source]
GROUP: str = "GROUP"
PM: str = "PM"
class CommentableType[source]
BEATMAPSET: str = "beatmapset"
CHANGELOG: str = "build"
NEWS_POST: str = "news_post"
class CommentSort[source]
NEW: str = "new"
OLD: str = "old"
TOP: str = "top"
class ForumTopicSort[source]
NEW: str = "id_desc"
OLD: str = "id_asc"
class SearchMode[source]
ALL: str = "all"
USERS: str = "user"
WIKI: str = "wiki_page"
class MultiplayerScoresSort[source]
NEW: str = "score_desc"
OLD: str = "score_asc"
class BeatmapsetDiscussionVote[source]
DOWNVOTE: int = -1
UPVOTE: int = 1
class BeatmapsetDiscussionVoteSort[source]
NEW: str = "id_desc"
OLD: str = "id_asc"
class BeatmapsetSearchCategory[source]
ANY: str = "any"
FAVOURITES: str = "favourites"
GRAVEYARD: str = "graveyard"
HAS_LEADERBOARD: str = "leaderboard"
LOVED: str = "loved"
MY_MAPS: str = "mine"
PENDING: str = "pending"
QUALIFIED: str = "qualified"
RANKED: str = "ranked"
WIP: str = "wip"
class BeatmapsetSearchMode[source]
ANY: int = -1
CATCH: int = 2
MANIA: int = 3
OSU: int = 0
TAIKO: int = 1
class BeatmapsetSearchExplicitContent[source]
HIDE: str = "hide"
SHOW: str = "show"
class BeatmapsetSearchGenre[source]
ANIME: int = 3
ANY: int = 0
CLASSICAL: int = 12
ELECTRONIC: int = 10
FOLK: int = 13
HIP_HOP: int = 9
JAZZ: int = 14
METAL: int = 11
NOVELTY: int = 7
OTHER: int = 6
POP: int = 5
ROCK: int = 4
VIDEO_GAME: int = 2
class BeatmapsetSearchLanguage[source]
ANY: int = 0
CHINESE: int = 4
ENGLISH: int = 2
FRENCH: int = 7
GERMAN: int = 8
ITALIAN: int = 11
JAPANESE: int = 3
KOREAN: int = 6
OTHER: int = 14
POLISH: int = 13
RUSSIAN: int = 12
SPANISH: int = 10
SWEDISH: int = 9
class BeatmapsetSearchSort[source]
ARTIST_ASCENDING: str = "artist_asc"
ARTIST_DESCENDING: str = "artist_desc"
DIFFICULTY_ASCENDING: str = "difficulty_asc"
DIFFICULTY_DESCENDING: str = "difficulty_desc"
FAVORITES_ASCENDING: str = "favourites_asc"
FAVORITES_DESCENDING: str = "favourites_desc"
PLAYS_ASCENDING: str = "plays_asc"
PLAYS_DESCENDING: str = "plays_desc"
RANKED_ASCENDING: str = "ranked_asc"
RANKED_DESCENDING: str = "ranked_desc"
RATING_ASCENDING: str = "rating_asc"
RATING_DESCENDING: str = "rating_desc"
TITLE_ASCENDING: str = "title_asc"
TITLE_DESCENDING: str = "title_desc"
class NewsPostKey[source]
ID: str = "id"
SLUG: str = "slug"
class RoomSearchMode[source]
ACTIVE: str = "active"
ALL: str = "all"
ENDED: str = "ended"
OWNED: str = "owned"
PARTICIPATED: str = "participated"
class EventsSort[source]
NEW: str = "id_desc"
OLD: str = "id_asc"
class BeatmapPackType[source]
ARTIST: str = "artist"
CHART: str = "chart"
FEATURED: str = "featured"
LOVED: str = "loved"
STANDARD: str = "standard"
THEME: str = "theme"
TOURNAMENT: str = "tournament"
class Failtimes[source]
exit: list[int] | None
fail: list[int] | None
class Ranking[source]
active_users: int
performance: int
play_count: int
ranked_score: int
class Country[source]
code: str
display: int | None
name: str
ranking: Ranking | None
class Cover[source]
custom_url: str | None
id: str | None
url: str
class ProfileBanner[source]
id: int
image: str
image_2x: <ossapi.utils.Field object at 0x1029b7c50>
tournament_id: int
class UserAccountHistory[source]
description: str | None
id: int
length: int
permanent: bool
timestamp: datetime
type: UserAccountHistoryType
class UserBadge[source]
awarded_at: datetime
description: str
image_2x_url: <ossapi.utils.Field object at 0x1029b72c0>
image_url: str
url: str
class GroupDescription[source]
html: str
markdown: str
class UserGroup[source]
colour: str | None
description: GroupDescription | None
has_listing: bool
has_playmodes: bool
id: int
identifier: str
is_probationary: bool
name: str
playmodes: list[GameMode] | None
short_name: str
class Covers[source]
card: str
card_2x: <ossapi.utils.Field object at 0x1029cc080>
cover: str
cover_2x: <ossapi.utils.Field object at 0x1029b7ec0>
list: str
list_2x: <ossapi.utils.Field object at 0x1029cc0b0>
slimcover: str
slimcover_2x: <ossapi.utils.Field object at 0x1029cc0e0>
class _LegacyStatistics[source]
count_100: int | None
count_300: int | None
count_50: int | None
count_geki: int | None
count_katu: int | None
count_miss: int | None
class Statistics[source]
combo_break: int | None
good: int | None
great: int | None
ignore_hit: int | None
ignore_miss: int | None
large_bonus: int | None
large_tick_hit: int | None
large_tick_miss: int | None
legacy_combo_increase: int | None
meh: int | None
miss: int | None
ok: int | None
perfect: int | None
slider_tail_hit: int | None
small_bonus: int | None
small_tick_hit: int | None
small_tick_miss: int | None
class Availability[source]
download_disabled: bool
more_information: str | None
class Hype[source]
current: int
required: int
class NominationsRequired[source]
main_ruleset: int
non_main_ruleset: int
class Nominations[source]
current: int
eligible_main_rulesets: list[GameMode] | None
required_meta: NominationsRequired
class Nomination[source]
beatmapset_id: int
reset: bool
rulesets: list[GameMode]
user_id: int
class Kudosu[source]
available: int
total: int
class KudosuGiver[source]
url: str
username: str
class KudosuPost[source]
title: str
url: str | None
class KudosuVote[source]
score: int
user: function[source]
user_id: int
class EventUser[source]
previousUsername: str | None
url: str
username: str
class EventBeatmap[source]
title: str
url: str
class EventBeatmapset[source]
title: str
url: str
class EventAchivement[source]
description: str
grouping: str
icon_url: str
id: int
instructions: Any | None
mode: GameMode | None
name: str
ordering: int
slug: str
class GithubUser[source]
display_name: str
github_url: str | None
github_username: str | None
id: int | None
osu_username: str | None
user: function[source]
user_id: int | None
user_url: str | None
class ChangelogSearch[source]
from_: <ossapi.utils.Field object at 0x1029cc3b0>
limit: int
max_id: int | None
stream: str | None
to: str | None
class NewsSearch[source]
limit: int
sort: str
year: int | None
class ForumPostBody[source]
html: str
raw: str
class ForumPollText[source]
bbcode: str
html: str
class ForumPollTitle[source]
bbcode: str
html: str
class ReviewsConfig[source]
max_blocks: int
class RankHighest[source]
rank: int
updated_at: datetime
class BeatmapPackUserCompletionData[source]
beatmapset_ids: list[int]
completed: bool
class UserMonthlyPlaycount[source]
count: int
start_date: datetime
class UserPage[source]
html: str
raw: str
class UserLevel[source]
current: int
progress: int
class UserGradeCounts[source]
a: int
s: int
sh: int
ss: int
ssh: int
class UserReplaysWatchedCount[source]
count: int
start_date: datetime
class UserAchievement[source]
achieved_at: datetime
achievement_id: int
class UserProfileCustomization[source]
audio_autoplay: bool | None
audio_muted: bool | None
audio_volume: int | None
beatmapset_download: BeatmapsetDownload | None
beatmapset_show_nsfw: bool | None
beatmapset_title_show_original: bool | None
comments_show_deleted: bool | None
forum_posts_show_deleted: bool
ranking_expanded: bool
user_list_filter: UserListFilters | None
user_list_sort: UserListSorts | None
user_list_view: UserListViews | None
class RankHistory[source]
data: list[int]
mode: GameMode
class Weight[source]
percentage: float
pp: float
class RoomPlaylistItemStats[source]
count_active: int
count_total: int
ruleset_ids: list[int]
class RoomDifficultyRange[source]
max: float
min: float


class Mod(value)[source]

An ingame osu! mod.

Common combinations are available as HDDT, HDHR, and HDDTHR.


value (int or str or list) – A representation of the desired mod. This can either be its integer representation such as 64 for DT and 72 (64 + 8) for HDDT, or a string such as "DT" for DT and "HDDT" (or DTHD) for HDDT, or a list of strings such as ["HD", "DT"] for HDDT.
If used, the string must be composed of two-letter acronyms for mods, in any order.


The nightcore mod is never set by itself. When we see plays set with NC, we are really seeing a DT + NC play. NC by itself is 512, but what we expect to see is 576 (512 + 64; DT is 64). As such Mod.NC is defined to be the more intuitive version—DT + NC. We provide the true, technical version of the NC mod (512) as Mod._NC.

This same treatment and reasoning applies to Mod.PF, which we define as PF + SD. The technical version of PF is available as Mod._PF.

A full list of mods and their specification can be found at https://osu.ppy.sh/help/wiki/Game_Modifiers, or a more technical list at https://github.com/ppy/osu-api/wiki#mods.


The fact that this class subclasses ModCombination is slightly misleading. This is only done so that this class can be instantiated directly, backed by an internal ModCombination, instead of exposing ModCombination to users.

class Cursor[source]
class UserCompact[source]
account_history: list[UserAccountHistory] | None
active_tournament_banner: ProfileBanner | None
active_tournament_banners: list[ProfileBanner] | None
avatar_url: str
badges: list[UserBadge] | None
beatmap_playcounts_count: int | None
blocks: UserRelation | None
country: Country | None
country_code: str
cover: Cover | None
default_group: str | None
expand: function[source]
favourite_beatmapset_count: int | None
follow_user_mapping: list[int] | None
follower_count: int | None
friends: list[UserRelation] | None
graveyard_beatmapset_count: int | None
groups: list[UserGroup] | None
guest_beatmapset_count: int | None
id: int
is_active: bool
is_bot: bool
is_deleted: bool
is_online: bool
is_restricted: bool | None
is_silenced: bool | None
is_supporter: bool
last_visit: datetime | None
loved_beatmapset_count: int | None
mapping_follower_count: int | None
monthly_playcounts: list[UserMonthlyPlaycount] | None
page: UserPage | None
pending_beatmapset_count: int | None
pm_friends_only: bool
previous_usernames: list[str] | None
profile_colour: str | None
rankHistory: RankHistory | None
rank_history: RankHistory | None
ranked_and_approved_beatmapset_count: int | None
ranked_beatmapset_count: int | None
replays_watched_counts: list[UserReplaysWatchedCount] | None
scores_best_count: int | None
scores_first_count: int | None
scores_recent_count: int | None
session_verified: bool | None
statistics: UserStatistics | None
statistics_rulesets: UserStatisticsRulesets | None
support_level: int | None
unranked_beatmapset_count: int | None
unread_pm_count: int | None
user_achievements: list[UserAchievement] | None
user_preferences: UserProfileCustomization | None
username: str
class User[source]
account_history: list[UserAccountHistory] | None
active_tournament_banner: ProfileBanner | None
active_tournament_banners: list[ProfileBanner] | None
avatar_url: str
badges: list[UserBadge] | None
beatmap_playcounts_count: int | None
blocks: UserRelation | None
comments_count: int
country: Country | None
country_code: str
cover: Cover | None
cover_url: str
daily_challenge_user_stats: DailyChallengeUserStats
default_group: str | None
discord: str | None
expand: function[source]
favourite_beatmapset_count: int | None
follow_user_mapping: list[int] | None
follower_count: int | None
friends: list[UserRelation] | None
graveyard_beatmapset_count: int | None
groups: list[UserGroup] | None
guest_beatmapset_count: int | None
has_supported: bool
id: int
interests: str | None
is_active: bool
is_bot: bool
is_deleted: bool
is_online: bool
is_restricted: bool | None
is_silenced: bool | None
is_supporter: bool
join_date: datetime
kudosu: Kudosu
last_visit: datetime | None
location: str | None
loved_beatmapset_count: int | None
mapping_follower_count: int | None
max_blocks: int
max_friends: int
monthly_playcounts: list[UserMonthlyPlaycount] | None
nominated_beatmapset_count: int
occupation: str | None
page: UserPage | None
pending_beatmapset_count: int | None
playmode: str
playstyle: PlayStyles | None
pm_friends_only: bool
post_count: int
previous_usernames: list[str] | None
profile_colour: str | None
profile_hue: int | None
profile_order: list[ProfilePage]
rankHistory: RankHistory | None
rank_highest: RankHighest | None
rank_history: RankHistory | None
ranked_and_approved_beatmapset_count: int | None
ranked_beatmapset_count: int | None
replays_watched_counts: list[UserReplaysWatchedCount] | None
scores_best_count: int | None
scores_first_count: int | None
scores_pinned_count: int
scores_recent_count: int | None
session_verified: bool | None
statistics: UserStatistics | None
statistics_rulesets: UserStatisticsRulesets | None
support_level: int | None
title: str | None
title_url: str | None
twitter: str | None
unranked_beatmapset_count: int | None
unread_pm_count: int | None
user_achievements: list[UserAchievement] | None
user_preferences: UserProfileCustomization | None
username: str
website: str | None
class BeatmapCompact[source]
beatmapset: function[source]
beatmapset_id: int
checksum: str | None
difficulty_rating: float
expand: function[source]
failtimes: Failtimes | None
id: int
max_combo: int | None
mode: GameMode
status: RankStatus
total_length: int
user: function[source]
user_id: int
version: str
class Beatmap[source]
accuracy: float
ar: float
beatmapset: function[source]
beatmapset_id: int
bpm: float | None
checksum: str | None
convert: bool
count_circles: int
count_sliders: int
count_spinners: int
cs: float
deleted_at: datetime | None
difficulty_rating: float
drain: float
expand: function[source]
failtimes: Failtimes | None
hit_length: int
id: int
is_scoreable: bool
last_updated: datetime
max_combo: int | None
mode: GameMode
mode_int: int
owner: <ossapi.utils.Field object at 0x102aa5cd0>
passcount: int
playcount: int
ranked: RankStatus
status: RankStatus
total_length: int
url: str
user: function
user_id: int
version: str
class BeatmapsetCompact[source]
artist: str
artist_unicode: str
beatmaps: list[Beatmap] | None
converts: Any | None
covers: Covers
creator: str
current_nominations: list[Nomination] | None
current_user_attributes: Any | None
description: Any | None
discussions: Any | None
events: Any | None
expand: function[source]
favourite_count: int
genre: Any | None
has_favourited: bool | None
hype: Hype | None
id: int
language: Any | None
nominations: Any | None
nsfw: bool
offset: int
pack_tags: list[str] | None
play_count: int
preview_url: str
ratings: Any | None
recent_favourites: Any | None
related_users: Any | None
source: str
spotlight: bool
status: RankStatus
title: str
title_unicode: str
track_id: int | None
user: function[source]
user_id: int
video: bool
class Beatmapset[source]
artist: str
artist_unicode: str
availability: Availability
beatmaps: list[Beatmap] | None
bpm: float
can_be_hyped: bool
converts: Any | None
covers: Covers
creator: str
current_nominations: list[Nomination] | None
current_user_attributes: Any | None
deleted_at: datetime | None
description: Any | None
discussion_enabled: bool
discussion_locked: bool
discussions: Any | None
events: Any | None
expand: function[source]
favourite_count: int
genre: Any | None
has_favourited: bool | None
hype: Hype | None
id: int
is_scoreable: bool
language: Any | None
last_updated: datetime
legacy_thread_url: str | None
nominations: Any | None
nominations_summary: Nominations
nsfw: bool
offset: int
pack_tags: list[str] | None
play_count: int
preview_url: str
ranked: RankStatus
ranked_date: datetime | None
ratings: Any | None
recent_favourites: Any | None
related_users: Any | None
source: str
spotlight: bool
status: RankStatus
storyboard: bool
submitted_date: datetime | None
tags: str
title: str
title_unicode: str
track_id: int | None
user: function
user_id: int
video: bool
class ScoreMatchInfo[source]
pass_: <ossapi.utils.Field object at 0x102aa5eb0>
slot: int
team: str
class _LegacyScore[source]
accuracy: float
beatmap: Beatmap | None
beatmapset: BeatmapsetCompact | None
best_id: int | None
created_at: datetime
current_user_attributes: Any
id: int | None
match: ScoreMatchInfo | None
max_combo: int
mode: GameMode
mode_int: int
mods: Mod
passed: bool
perfect: bool
pp: float | None
rank: Grade
rank_country: int | None
rank_global: int | None
replay: bool
score: int
statistics: Statistics
type: str
user_id: int
weight: Weight | None
class Score[source]
accuracy: float
beatmap: Beatmap | None
beatmap_id: int
beatmapset: BeatmapsetCompact | None
best_id: int | None
build_id: int | None
classic_total_score: int
current_user_attributes: Any
download: function[source]
ended_at: datetime | None
has_replay: bool
id: int | None
is_perfect_combo: bool
legacy_perfect: bool
legacy_score_id: int | None
legacy_total_score: int
match: ScoreMatchInfo | None
max_combo: int
maximum_statistics: Any
mods: list[NonLegacyMod]
passed: bool
pp: float | None
preserve: bool
processed: bool
rank: Grade
rank_country: int | None
rank_global: int | None
ranked: bool
replay: bool
ruleset_id: int
started_at: datetime | None
statistics: Statistics
total_score: int
total_score_without_mods: int | None
type: str
user: function[source]
user_id: int
weight: Weight | None
class BeatmapUserScore[source]
position: int
score: Score
class BeatmapUserScores[source]
scores: list[Score]
class BeatmapScores[source]
scores: list[Score]
user_score: <ossapi.utils.Field object at 0x102aa5f10>
class CommentableMeta[source]
current_user_attributes: CommentableMetaCurrentUserAttributes | None
id: int | None
owner_id: int | None
owner_title: str | None
title: str
type: str | None
url: str | None
class CommentableMetaCurrentUserAttributes[source]
can_new_comment_reason: str | None
class Comment[source]
commentable_id: int | None
commentable_type: str | None
created_at: datetime
deleted_at: datetime | None
edited_at: datetime | None
edited_by: function[source]
edited_by_id: int | None
id: int
legacy_name: str | None
message: str | None
message_html: str | None
parent_id: int | None
pinned: bool
replies_count: int
updated_at: datetime
user: function[source]
user_id: int | None
votes_count: int
class CommentBundle[source]
commentable_meta: list[CommentableMeta]
comments: list[Comment]
cursor: Cursor | None
has_more: bool
has_more_id: int | None
included_comments: list[Comment]
pinned_comments: list[Comment] | None
sort: str
top_level_count: int | None
total: int | None
user_follow: bool
user_votes: list[int]
users: list[UserCompact]
class ForumPost[source]
body: ForumPostBody
created_at: datetime
deleted_at: datetime | None
edited_at: datetime | None
edited_by: function[source]
edited_by_id: int | None
forum_id: int
id: int
topic_id: int
user: function[source]
user_id: int
class ForumTopic[source]
created_at: datetime
deleted_at: datetime | None
first_post_id: int
forum_id: int
id: int
is_locked: bool
last_post_id: int
poll: ForumPollModel | None
post_count: int
title: str
type: ForumTopicType
updated_at: datetime
user: function[source]
user_id: int
class ForumPollModel[source]
allow_vote_change: bool
ended_at: datetime | None
hide_incomplete_results: bool
last_vote_at: datetime | None
max_votes: int
options: list[ForumPollOption]
started_at: datetime
title: ForumPollTitle
total_vote_count: int
class ForumPollOption[source]
id: int
text: ForumPollText
vote_count: int | None
class ForumTopicAndPosts[source]
cursor: Cursor | None
cursor_string: str | None
posts: list[ForumPost]
search: ForumTopicSearch
topic: ForumTopic
class CreateForumTopicResponse[source]
post: ForumPost
topic: ForumTopic
class ForumTopicSearch[source]
end: int | None
limit: int | None
sort: ForumTopicSort | None
start: int | None
class SearchResult[source]
data: list[T]
total: int
class WikiPage[source]
available_locales: list[str]
layout: str
locale: str
markdown: str
path: str
subtitle: str | None
tags: list[str]
title: str
class Search[source]
users: <ossapi.utils.Field object at 0x10186e540>
wiki_pages: <ossapi.utils.Field object at 0x102aa6000>
class Spotlight[source]
end_date: datetime
id: int
mode_specific: bool
name: str
participant_count: int | None
start_date: datetime
type: str
class Spotlights[source]
spotlights: list[Spotlight]
class Users[source]
users: list[UserCompact]
class Beatmaps[source]
beatmaps: list[Beatmap]
class BeatmapPacks[source]
beatmap_packs: list[BeatmapPack]
cursor: Cursor | None
cursor_string: str | None
class Rankings[source]
beatmapsets: list[Beatmapset] | None
cursor: Cursor | None
ranking: list[UserStatistics] | list[CountryStatistics] | None
spotlight: Spotlight | None
total: int | None
class BeatmapsetDiscussionPost[source]
beatmapset_discussion_id: int
created_at: datetime
deleted_at: datetime | None
deleted_by: function[source]
deleted_by_id: int | None
id: int
last_editor: function[source]
last_editor_id: int | None
message: str
system: bool
updated_at: datetime
user: function[source]
user_id: int
class BeatmapsetDiscussion[source]
beatmap: function[source]
beatmap_id: int | None
beatmapset: function[source]
beatmapset_id: int
can_be_resolved: bool
can_grant_kudosu: bool
created_at: datetime
current_user_attributes: Any
deleted_at: datetime | None
deleted_by: function[source]
deleted_by_id: int | None
id: int
kudosu_denied: bool
last_post_at: datetime
message_type: MessageType
parent_id: int | None
posts: list[BeatmapsetDiscussionPost] | None
resolved: bool
starting_post: BeatmapsetDiscussionPost | None
timestamp: int | None
updated_at: datetime
user: function[source]
user_id: int
class BeatmapsetDiscussionVote[source]
beatmapset_discussion_id: int
created_at: datetime
cursor_string: str | None
id: int
score: int
updated_at: datetime
user: function[source]
user_id: int
class KudosuHistory[source]
action: KudosuAction
amount: int
created_at: datetime
details: Any
giver: KudosuGiver | None
id: int
model: str
post: KudosuPost
class BeatmapPlaycount[source]
beatmap: function[source]
beatmap_id: int
beatmapset: BeatmapsetCompact | None
count: int
class Event[source]
createdAt: datetime
created_at: datetime
id: int
type: EventType
class AchievementEvent[source]
achievement: EventAchivement
createdAt: datetime
created_at: datetime
id: int
type: EventType
user: EventUser
class BeatmapPlaycountEvent[source]
beatmap: EventBeatmap
count: int
createdAt: datetime
created_at: datetime
id: int
type: EventType
class BeatmapsetApproveEvent[source]
approval: BeatmapsetApproval
beatmapset: EventBeatmapset
createdAt: datetime
created_at: datetime
id: int
type: EventType
user: EventUser
class BeatmapsetDeleteEvent[source]
beatmapset: EventBeatmapset
createdAt: datetime
created_at: datetime
id: int
type: EventType
class BeatmapsetReviveEvent[source]
beatmapset: EventBeatmapset
createdAt: datetime
created_at: datetime
id: int
type: EventType
user: EventUser
class BeatmapsetUpdateEvent[source]
beatmapset: EventBeatmapset
createdAt: datetime
created_at: datetime
id: int
type: EventType
user: EventUser
class BeatmapsetUploadEvent[source]
beatmapset: EventBeatmapset
createdAt: datetime
created_at: datetime
id: int
type: EventType
user: EventUser
class RankEvent[source]
beatmap: EventBeatmap
createdAt: datetime
created_at: datetime
id: int
mode: GameMode
rank: int
scoreRank: str
type: EventType
user: EventUser
class RankLostEvent[source]
beatmap: EventBeatmap
createdAt: datetime
created_at: datetime
id: int
mode: GameMode
type: EventType
user: EventUser
class UserSupportFirstEvent[source]
createdAt: datetime
created_at: datetime
id: int
type: EventType
user: EventUser
class UserSupportAgainEvent[source]
createdAt: datetime
created_at: datetime
id: int
type: EventType
user: EventUser
class UserSupportGiftEvent[source]
createdAt: datetime
created_at: datetime
id: int
type: EventType
user: EventUser
class UsernameChangeEvent[source]
createdAt: datetime
created_at: datetime
id: int
type: EventType
user: EventUser
class Build[source]
changelog_entries: list[ChangelogEntry] | None
created_at: datetime
display_version: str
id: int
update_stream: UpdateStream | None
users: int
version: str | None
versions: Versions | None
youtube_id: str | None
class Versions[source]
next: Build | None
previous: Build | None
class UpdateStream[source]
display_name: str | None
id: int
latest_build: Build | None
name: str
user_count: int | None
class ChangelogEntry[source]
category: str
created_at: datetime | None
github_pull_request_id: int | None
github_url: str | None
github_user: GithubUser
id: int | None
major: bool
message: str | None
message_html: str | None
repository: str | None
title: str | None
type: str
url: str | None
class ChangelogListing[source]
builds: list[Build]
search: ChangelogSearch
streams: list[UpdateStream]
class MultiplayerScores[source]
cursor_string: str | None
params: str
scores: list[MultiplayerScore]
total: int | None
user_score: MultiplayerScore | None
class MultiplayerScore[source]
beatmap: function[source]
beatmap_id: int
id: int
max_combo: int
mods: list[Mod]
passed: bool
playlist_item_id: int
position: int | None
rank: int
room_id: int
scores_around: MultiplayerScoresAround | None
statistics: Statistics
total_score: int
user: User
user_id: int
class MultiplayerScoresAround[source]
higher: list[MultiplayerScore]
lower: list[MultiplayerScore]
class NewsListing[source]
cursor: Cursor | None
cursor_string: str | None
news_posts: list[NewsPost]
news_sidebar: NewsSidebar
search: NewsSearch
class NewsPost[source]
author: str
content: str | None
edit_url: str
first_image: str | None
id: int
navigation: NewsNavigation | None
preview: str | None
published_at: datetime
slug: str
title: str
updated_at: datetime
class NewsNavigation[source]
newer: NewsPost | None
older: NewsPost | None
class NewsSidebar[source]
current_year: int
news_posts: list[NewsPost]
years: list[int]
class SeasonalBackgrounds[source]
backgrounds: list[SeasonalBackground]
ends_at: datetime
class SeasonalBackground[source]
url: str
user: UserCompact
class DifficultyAttributes[source]
attributes: BeatmapDifficultyAttributes
class BeatmapDifficultyAttributes[source]
aim_difficulty: float | None
approach_rate: float | None
colour_difficulty: float | None
flashlight_difficulty: float | None
great_hit_window: float | None
max_combo: int
overall_difficulty: float | None
rhythm_difficulty: float | None
score_multiplier: float | None
slider_factor: float | None
speed_difficulty: float | None
speed_note_count: float | None
stamina_difficulty: float | None
star_rating: float
class Events[source]
cursor: Cursor | None
cursor_string: str | None
events: <ossapi.utils.Field object at 0x102a8ad50>
class BeatmapPack[source]
author: str
beatmapsets: list[Beatmapset] | None
date: datetime
name: str
no_diff_reduction: bool
ruleset_id: int | None
tag: str
url: str
user_completion_data: BeatmapPackUserCompletionData | None
class ForumPoll[source]
hide_results: bool
length_days: int
max_options: int
vote_change: bool
class BeatmapsetSearchResult[source]
beatmapsets: list[Beatmapset]
cursor: Cursor | None
cursor_string: str | None
error: str | None
recommended_difficulty: float | None
search: Any
total: int
class BeatmapsetDiscussions[source]
beatmaps: list[Beatmap]
beatmapsets: list[Beatmapset]
cursor: Cursor | None
cursor_string: str | None
discussions: list[BeatmapsetDiscussion]
included_discussions: list[BeatmapsetDiscussion]
reviews_config: ReviewsConfig
users: list[UserCompact]
class BeatmapsetDiscussionReview[source]
max_blocks: int
class BeatmapsetDiscussionPosts[source]
beatmapsets: list[BeatmapsetCompact]
cursor: Cursor | None
cursor_string: str | None
discussions: list[BeatmapsetDiscussion]
posts: list[BeatmapsetDiscussionPost]
users: list[UserCompact]
class BeatmapsetDiscussionVotes[source]
cursor: Cursor | None
cursor_string: str | None
discussions: list[BeatmapsetDiscussion]
users: list[UserCompact]
votes: list[BeatmapsetDiscussionVote]
class BeatmapsetEventComment[source]
beatmap_discussion_id: int
beatmap_discussion_post_id: int
class BeatmapsetEventCommentNoPost[source]
beatmap_discussion_id: int
beatmap_discussion_post_id: None
class BeatmapsetEventCommentNone[source]
beatmap_discussion_id: None
beatmap_discussion_post_id: None
class BeatmapsetEventCommentChange[source]
beatmap_discussion_id: None
beatmap_discussion_post_id: None
new: S
old: S
class BeatmapsetEventCommentLovedRemoval[source]
beatmap_discussion_id: None
beatmap_discussion_post_id: None
reason: str
class BeatmapsetEventCommentKudosuChange[source]
beatmap_discussion_id: int
beatmap_discussion_post_id: None
new_vote: KudosuVote
votes: list[KudosuVote]
class BeatmapsetEventCommentKudosuRecalculate[source]
beatmap_discussion_id: int
beatmap_discussion_post_id: None
new_vote: KudosuVote | None
class BeatmapsetEventCommentOwnerChange[source]
beatmap_discussion_id: None
beatmap_discussion_post_id: None
beatmap_id: int
beatmap_version: str
new_user_id: int
new_user_username: str
class BeatmapsetEventCommentNominate[source]
modes: list[GameMode]
class BeatmapsetEventCommentWithNominators[source]
beatmap_discussion_id: int
beatmap_discussion_post_id: None
beatmap_ids: list[int] | None
nominator_ids: list[int] | None
class BeatmapsetEventCommentWithSourceUser[source]
beatmap_discussion_id: int
beatmap_discussion_post_id: None
source_user_id: int
source_user_username: str
class BeatmapsetEvent[source]
beatmapset: BeatmapsetCompact | None
comment: Any
created_at: datetime
discussion: BeatmapsetDiscussion | None
id: int
type: BeatmapsetEventType
user: function[source]
user_id: int | None
class ChatChannel[source]
channel_id: int
description: str | None
icon: str | None
last_message_id: int | None
last_read_id: int | None
message_length_limit: int
moderated: bool | None
name: str
recent_messages: list[ChatMessage] | None
type: ChannelType
users: list[int] | None
uuid: str | None
class ChatMessage[source]
channel_id: int
content: str
is_action: bool
message_id: int
sender: UserCompact
sender_id: int
timestamp: datetime
type: str
class CountryStatistics[source]
active_users: int
code: str
country: Country
performance: int
play_count: int
ranked_score: int
class CreatePMResponse[source]
channel: ChatChannel
message: ChatMessage
new_channel_id: int
presence: list[ChatChannel] | None
class ModdingHistoryEventsBundle[source]
events: list[BeatmapsetEvent]
reviewsConfig: BeatmapsetDiscussionReview
users: list[UserCompact]
class UserRelation[source]
mutual: bool
relation_type: UserRelationType
target: UserCompact | None
target_id: int
class StatisticsVariant[source]
country_rank: int | None
global_rank: int | None
mode: GameMode
pp: float
variant: Variant
class UserStatistics[source]
count_100: int
count_300: int
count_50: int
count_miss: int
country_rank: int | None
global_rank: int | None
global_rank_exp: float | None
grade_counts: UserGradeCounts
hit_accuracy: float
is_ranked: bool
level: UserLevel
maximum_combo: int
play_count: int
play_time: int | None
pp: float | None
pp_exp: float
rank: Any | None
rank_change_since_30_days: int | None
ranked_score: int
replays_watched_by_others: int
total_hits: int
total_score: int
user: UserCompact | None
variants: list[StatisticsVariant] | None
class UserStatisticsRulesets[source]
fruits: UserStatistics | None
mania: UserStatistics | None
osu: UserStatistics | None
taiko: UserStatistics | None
class RoomPlaylistItemMod[source]
acronym: str
settings: Dict[str, Any]
class RoomPlaylistItem[source]
allowed_mods: list[RoomPlaylistItemMod]
beatmap: BeatmapCompact
beatmap_id: int
expired: bool
id: int
owner_id: int
played_at: datetime | None
playlist_order: int | None
required_mods: list[RoomPlaylistItemMod]
room_id: int
ruleset_id: int
class _Room1[source]
active: bool
auto_skip: bool
category: RoomCategory
channel_id: int
ends_at: datetime
has_password: bool
host: UserCompact
id: int
max_attempts: int | None
name: str
participant_count: int
playlist: list[RoomPlaylistItem]
queue_mode: str
recent_participants: list[UserCompact]
starts_at: datetime
type: RoomType
user_id: int
class Room[source]
active: bool
auto_skip: bool
category: RoomCategory
channel_id: int
current_playlist_item: RoomPlaylistItem | None
difficulty_range: RoomDifficultyRange
ends_at: datetime
has_password: bool
host: UserCompact
id: int
max_attempts: int | None
name: str
participant_count: int
playlist: list[RoomPlaylistItem]
playlist_item_stats: RoomPlaylistItemStats
queue_mode: str
recent_participants: list[UserCompact]
starts_at: datetime
type: RoomType
user_id: int
class RoomLeaderboardScore[source]
accuracy: float
attempts: int
completed: int
pp: float
room_id: int
total_score: int
user: UserCompact
user_id: int
class RoomLeaderboardUserScore[source]
accuracy: float
attempts: int
completed: int
position: int
pp: float
room_id: int
total_score: int
user: UserCompact
user_id: int
class RoomLeaderboard[source]
leaderboard: list[RoomLeaderboardScore]
user_score: RoomLeaderboardUserScore
class Match[source]
end_time: datetime | None
id: int
name: str
start_time: datetime
class Matches[source]
cursor: Cursor | None
cursor_string: str | None
matches: list[Match]
params: Any
class MatchGame[source]
beatmap: BeatmapCompact | None
beatmap_id: int
end_time: datetime | None
id: int
mode: GameMode
mode_int: int
mods: list[Mod]
scores: list[Score]
scoring_type: ScoringType
start_time: datetime
team_type: TeamType
class MatchEventDetail[source]
text: str | None
type: MatchEventType
class MatchEvent[source]
detail: MatchEventDetail
game: MatchGame | None
id: int
timestamp: datetime
user_id: int | None
class MatchResponse[source]
current_game_id: int | None
events: list[MatchEvent]
first_event_id: int
latest_event_id: int
match: Match
users: list[UserCompact]
class DailyChallengeUserStats[source]
daily_streak_best: int
daily_streak_current: int
last_update: datetime
last_weekly_streak: datetime
playcount: int
top_10p_placements: int
top_50p_placements: int
user_id: int
weekly_streak_best: int
weekly_streak_current: int
class NonLegacyMod[source]
acronym: str
settings: Any


class Ossapi(client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri=None, scopes=[Scope.PUBLIC], *, grant=None, strict=False, token_directory=None, token_key=None, access_token=None, refresh_token=None, domain=Domain.OSU, api_version=20241024)[source]

A wrapper around osu! api v2. The main entry point for ossapi.

  • client_id (int) – The id of the client to authenticate with.

  • client_secret (str) – The secret of the client to authenticate with.

  • redirect_uri (str) – The redirect uri for the client. Must be passed if using the authorization code grant. This must exactly match the redirect uri on the client’s settings page. Additionally, in order for ossapi to receive authentication from this redirect uri, it must be a port on localhost, e.g. “http://localhost:3914/”. You can change your client’s redirect uri from its settings page.

  • scopes (List[str]) – What scopes to request when authenticating.

  • grant (Grant or str) – Which oauth grant (aka flow) to use when authenticating with the api. The osu api offers the client credentials (pass “client” for this parameter) and authorization code (pass “authorization” for this parameter) grants.
    The authorization code grant requires user interaction to authenticate the first time, but grants full access to the api. In contrast, the client credentials grant does not require user interaction to authenticate, but only grants guest user access to the api. This means you will not be able to do things like download replays on the client credentials grant.
    If not passed, the grant will be automatically inferred as follows: if redirect_uri is passed, use the authorization code grant. If redirect_uri is not passed, use the client credentials grant.

  • strict (bool) – Whether to run in “strict” mode. In strict mode, ossapi will raise an exception if the api returns an attribute in a response which we didn’t expect to be there. This is useful for developers which want to catch new attributes as they get added. More checks may be added in the future for things which developers may want to be aware of, but normal users do not want to have an exception raised for.
    If you are not a developer, you are very unlikely to want to use this parameter.

  • token_directory (str) – If passed, the given directory will be used to store and retrieve token files instead of locally wherever ossapi is installed. Useful if you want more control over token files.

  • token_key (str) – If passed, the given key will be used to name the token file instead of an automatically generated one. Note that if you pass this, you are taking responsibility for making sure it is unique / unused, and also for remembering the key you passed if you wish to eg remove the token in the future, which requires the key.

  • access_token (str) – Access token from the osu! api. Allows instantiating Ossapi after manually authenticating with the osu! api.

  • refresh_token (str) – Refresh token from the osu! api. Allows instantiating Ossapi after manually authenticating with the osu! api. Optional if using Grant.CLIENT_CREDENTIALS.

  • domain (Domain or str) – The domain to retrieve information from. This defaults to Domain.OSU, which corresponds to osu.ppy.sh, the main website.
    To retrieve information from dev.ppy.sh, specify Domain.DEV.
    See Domains for more about domains.

  • api_version (int | str)


class OssapiAsync(client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri=None, scopes=[Scope.PUBLIC], *, grant=None, strict=False, token_directory=None, token_key=None, access_token=None, refresh_token=None, domain=Domain.OSU, api_version=20241024)[source]

Async equivalent of Ossapi. Main (async) entry point into osu! api v2.

  • client_id (int) – The id of the client to authenticate with.

  • client_secret (str) – The secret of the client to authenticate with.

  • redirect_uri (str) – The redirect uri for the client. Must be passed if using the authorization code grant. This must exactly match the redirect uri on the client’s settings page. Additionally, in order for ossapi to receive authentication from this redirect uri, it must be a port on localhost, e.g. “http://localhost:3914/”. You can change your client’s redirect uri from its settings page.

  • scopes (List[str]) – What scopes to request when authenticating.

  • grant (Grant or str) – Which oauth grant (aka flow) to use when authenticating with the api. The osu api offers the client credentials (pass “client” for this parameter) and authorization code (pass “authorization” for this parameter) grants.
    The authorization code grant requires user interaction to authenticate the first time, but grants full access to the api. In contrast, the client credentials grant does not require user interaction to authenticate, but only grants guest user access to the api. This means you will not be able to do things like download replays on the client credentials grant.
    If not passed, the grant will be automatically inferred as follows: if redirect_uri is passed, use the authorization code grant. If redirect_uri is not passed, use the client credentials grant.

  • strict (bool) – Whether to run in “strict” mode. In strict mode, ossapi will raise an exception if the api returns an attribute in a response which we didn’t expect to be there. This is useful for developers which want to catch new attributes as they get added. More checks may be added in the future for things which developers may want to be aware of, but normal users do not want to have an exception raised for.
    If you are not a developer, you are very unlikely to want to use this parameter.

  • token_directory (str) – If passed, the given directory will be used to store and retrieve token files instead of locally wherever ossapi is installed. Useful if you want more control over token files.

  • token_key (str) – If passed, the given key will be used to name the token file instead of an automatically generated one. Note that if you pass this, you are taking responsibility for making sure it is unique / unused, and also for remembering the key you passed if you wish to eg remove the token in the future, which requires the key.

  • access_token (str) – Access token from the osu! api. Allows instantiating Ossapi after manually authenticating with the osu! api.

  • refresh_token (str) – Refresh token from the osu! api. Allows instantiating Ossapi after manually authenticating with the osu! api. Optional if using Grant.CLIENT_CREDENTIALS.

  • domain (Domain or str) – The domain to retrieve information from. This defaults to Domain.OSU, which corresponds to osu.ppy.sh, the main website.
    To retrieve information from dev.ppy.sh, specify Domain.DEV.
    See Domains for more about domains.

  • api_version (int | str)


class Scope(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

The OAuth scopes used by the api.

CHAT_WRITE = 'chat.write'
CHAT_WRITE_MANAGE = 'chat.write_manage'
CHAT_READ = 'chat.read'
DELEGATE = 'delegate'
FORUM_WRITE = 'forum.write'
FRIENDS_READ = 'friends.read'
IDENTIFY = 'identify'
PUBLIC = 'public'


class Domain(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Different possible api domains. These correspond to different deployments of the osu server, such as osu.ppy.sh or dev.ppy.sh.

The default domain, and the one the vast majority of users want, is Domain.OSU, and corresponds to the main website.

OSU = 'osu'
DEV = 'dev'


class Grant(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

The grant types used by the api.

AUTHORIZATION_CODE = 'authorization'


class Replay(replay, api)[source]

A replay played by a player.


This is a thin wrapper around an osrparse.replay.Replay instance. It converts some attributes to more appropriate types and adds user() and beatmap() to retrieve api-related objects.

property beatmap: Beatmap

The beatmap this replay was played on.


Accessing this property for the first time will result in a web request to retrieve the beatmap from the api. We cache the return value, so further accesses are free.

property user: User

The user that played this replay.


Accessing this property for the first time will result in a web request to retrieve the user from the api. We cache the return value, so further accesses are free.

pack(*, dict_size=None, mode=None)[source]

Returns the text representing this Replay, in .osr format. The text returned by this method is suitable for writing to a file as a valid .osr file.


The text representing this Replay, in .osr format.

Return type:
